lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2016

The final pitching


On thursday was time for one of the most important milestones of this project, the final pitching.
The pitching event was in two patches, each of them had 13 teams pitching n them. There was a jury of three people, two firm spokesmen and the head of Demola Tampere Ville Korpiluoto, commenting the pitches. It was really interesting to see what the other teams had been working on and what they had accomplished. Most of the pitches were really good, especially visually.

We had chosen Jouni from our team to give our pitch. He did a very good job in explaining the journey we had been on. He explained what had been the initial idea behind the project, how we then faced reality and the constraints of 3D-modelling and photo measurement and how we then came up with alternative ideas. He also presented our current "final product" which is the website where people can find the demo for our app and all the info about us and the project.

We got some pretty good feedback on our pitch. The main feedback was that we had clearly done our research and analysed our competition, which was true. We had then created a solution that's not "reinventing the wheel" and come up with a way to differentiate ourselves from the competition. The jury thought that our branding was good and that the idea was very usable.

We were really satisfied with our pitch and the feedback we got. Now there's only the final meeting left and then it's time to wrap up this project!


perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2016

FINALLY! Project is done!

Hi there!

It has been a while since you have heard about our project. We all been really busy with our own schools and with our Demola project.

But finally we can say that our project is done and it's been quite a journey!
Yesterday we had our Final Pitching event and it went great, more about that on the next post.

I wanted first to go through what we have accomplished during these almost five months.

We were given a task to develop a system to measure person’s strategic measurements with a mobile phone camera. This was a tall task and we dove right into it full of gusto.
We did a lot of research and found out a lot about the problem domain and market, which is huge.
Just the yearly online apparel market is hundreds of millions of dollars and there is a great need for these kind of solutions as they can potentially save a lot of work for the customer and businesses.

We found a few problems

We found that it’s possible to measure a person very precisely even with a normal camera, and there’s a lot of measuring technology developed to measure people, like full body scanners.

And here’s the but: The problems is that scanners are expensive, and mobile phone cameras or webcams are not very good tools for this because they have a very distortive lens geometry and they don’t let a lot of light trough which causes a very bad image quality in indoor conditions.
Also most image based measurement systems either rely on multiple cameras for 3D vision and lot of the aspects of the scene are constrained, like the space is know, there’s predefined markings in the room for the camera to detect or the subject to stand on and the camera is calibrated to remove the lens distortion.

And then we came up with new ideas

So we started thinking, what is our competition doing and what’s actually the easiest way we can do this?
We found out that there’s great and simple solutions in the market already.
Like just measure your existing clothing, for example your favourite dress shirt that you know fits well, and save the measurements of that in a web app, that will give you the closest match from the online store.
Or just select a piece of clothing and size from another brand that you own and the system will select a closest match based on that.
So we forgot the complex image based measuring system and took a more simple approach to the problem, after which we soon found out that, it was the exact same thing our competition had done.


But we also realised that the competing approaches were lacking something.
They were pretty much standalone apps not very visible on the web sites.
So we decided on very universal approach that should be easy to use and very visible for the user.
It should also have some sort of hook, which we realised is a ability to make a profile and store a history and an online wardrobe which is available to be used anywhere online. A sort of portal to right size and kind of clothing.

Just the kind you want, which you never need to return again.

Text is copied from our pitch sketch so you can have a little preview how our pitch was like. 

Till the next time! :)

- Linda -

WHO WE ARE? Part 4: Heini

I'm a first year student in the University of Tampere and studying computer sciences. Previously I have studied IT and business in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences for two years.
I like IT, sciences, innovate, music, cats and good food. I'm also interested about clothes and business. I'm a creative person. I get easily really excited and want to work right away. I also like developing, I have built a motion sensor beaver. I would like to develop and built more things. My main interest in this project is in programming and research.

I get interested about this project because I have difficulties to find right size clothes and it is even harder to buy them online. I always get wrong size clothes or they just don't fit me. It is frustrating to order something knowing that I have to return it. Or I have to order many sizes and models and try them all. It would be nice to be sure that a piece of clothes is my perfect fit. I hope that this project will abolish my problem.